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Newsletter May 2017


European Parliament votes for stronger re-use and social economy sector

The European Parliament has endorsed several changes to the EU Commission's proposed update to the Waste Framework Directive that would help support social enterprises working in the field of re-use and repair. The full parliament agreed to back a number of changes proposed in January by the Environment Committee. The vote represents an important step towards a final legislative text; negotiations on a final deal will now begin with member state governments. Read more...


Belgian region sets re-use target for electricals

The southern Belgian province of Wallonia is the latest region to introduce a separate target for re-use of waste electrical items following a pioneering move by Spain in 2015. The Walloon Government Decree requires 2% of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) to be ‘prepared for re-use’ from January 2020. The target covers six categories of waste appliances, making it wider in scope than the Spanish measures. This Belgian initiative came as the European Commission published its feasibility study on setting a separate preparing for re-use target for WEEE for the whole EU. In the report countries with national targets are acknowledged to be more likely to increase preparing for re-use and promote access to WEEE for re-use centres as required by the current WEEE directive. Read more...


Tax incentives to boost repair and re-use

Consumers across Europe can be discouraged from repairing goods when the costs often exceed the price of buying new. Several countries in Europe are tackling the problem through tax incentives that promote repair and sale of second-hand items with reduced VAT or using tax reductions to encourage donations of used goods. A new RREUSE briefing gives examples and policy recommendation on how to promote repair and re-use though taxation on the European level. Read more...


RREUSE expands with Emmaüs Europe joining the network

RREUSE is delighted to announce that Emmaüs Europe has become a member of the network. The federation of all Emmaüs structures in Europe brings together 309 groups from 17 European countries and represents one of the four continental regions of the Emmaüs movement. Thanks to their membership RREUSE now has wider representation in six additional countries including Germany, Portugal, Denmark, Switzerland, Albania and Ukraine. Read more...


Scottish re-use consortium delivers furniture to people in need

Scottish households on a low income can access essential items such as beds, tables, fridges or washing machines quicker and cheaper thanks to a consortium of social enterprises providing them with quality second-hand goods. The Community Resources Network Scotland (CRNS) has created a consortium that works with local authorities and creates a connection between re-use social enterprises and clients of the Scottish Welfare Fund, a safety net for vulnerable people on low incomes. Read more…


Educational centre in Dublin puts circular economy talks into practice

A renovated 1960s boiler house in Dublin has become a unique place to host initiatives working on waste prevention and re-use including social enterprises. Originally destined for demolition the industrial building was finally renovated by the WISER Life project and demonstrates how to use waste as resources and keep energy and materials in circulation. After three years of renovation the Boiler house was officially opened by Minister for Communication, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten on 11th May 2017. Read more...